Immerse yourself in a world of magic and wonder with The Islands of Rune. An epic journey of self-discovery and heroism. With its compelling characters and heart-pumping action, this book is a must-read for fans of romantasy.



Maria Levato is a world traveler, devoted reader, and military veteran. She recently made her mark in the literary world with her debut novel, The Islands of Rune. Maria's love for travel and diverse cultures is reflected in her writing, making her work filled with both vivid imagery and compelling characters. With an A.S. in Business Administration from Southern New Hampshire University, Maria brings a unique perspective to the literary world. Maria's unique experiences have greatly influenced her writing, making her work a must-read for anyone looking for an exciting new voice in literature.


  • My writing journey began with a spark of curiosity and a pencil at my childhood desk. After years of honing my craft, my first publication emerged, a humble yet exhilarating moment. This initial step into the world of words laid the foundation for an odyssey of storytelling.

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“I’ve never had many friends before, but I imagine this is what having a best friend would feel like. It’s like we just go together in a way that makes no sense, only the two of us could ever understand it, and it can’t be described in something as simple as words.” - Josie

“Don’t hold out for what you imagined because what you find might be better, even if it’s not traditional. What you imagined might not be all you thought, even if tradition told you, it will be. You don’t have to be who you were raised to be; I think you just being who you truly are is the best version of you.” - Johanna

“I set out to change the world. Alone, I would surely fail. But with these people beside me, I really feel like I can do it.” - Malachi


Josie, a free-spirited 19-year-old born into nobility, defies the expectations of her noble lineage as she yearns for a life ignited by passion, freedom, and thrilling adventures. Unyielding in her defiance of societal norms, she blazes her own trail, guided by her pure heart and an unwavering desire for a life beyond the confines of tradition. Josie possesses a sharp wit and a natural inclination toward justice. As the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Loft, Josie is a beacon of pure-heartedness and free-spiritedness as she embraces a life of her own making.

Johanna is a strikingly beautiful woman with an air of both elegance and strength. Orphaned at a young age, Johanna was raised by the chief of her tribe. Her athletic build reveals the years of rigorous training she endured under the tutelage of her tribe's chief. Johanna harbors a profound love for Malachi. As his biggest supporter, she stands beside him through every step of their arduous journey, offering unwavering loyalty and dedication.

Kimble, a mischievous and intelligent fox spirit who possesses the unique ability to choose her own master based on their spiritual energy. Despite her mischievous nature, Kimble is fiercely loyal to her chosen master and proves to be a reliable and invaluable ally. As Kimble manifests a physical body to interact with the mortal realm, she brings her cunning wit, loyalty,and mischievous nature along with her. Each master she chooses becomes entangled in a unique and transformative relationship.

Holding the esteemed title of crown prince of Oceanica, Jameson shares a close familial bond with Malachi, his cousin. His heritage is unique as he is a half-angel. Despite his privileged position, Jameson's character is marked by a complex interplay of qualities, making him a character of depth and intrigue. Jameson possesses an air of regal authority befitting a prince. Throughout the story, he undergoes a transformation, shedding his condescending and judgmental tendencies to embrace a more compassionate and understanding side of himself.

Malachi is a half-demon with a regal presence that commands respect. As the rightful prince of Tendu, Malachi is driven by a desire to reclaim his throne. Despite the inherent darkness within him, he strives to be a beacon of light and righteousness. Having witnessed the devastating consequences of demonic power firsthand, he has dedicated his life to eradicating evil from the world. Malachi has an unbreakable bond with Josie and he values her judgment above all others. Josie stands by Malachi's side through thick and thin, assisting him in his quest to reclaim his rightful throne and restore balance to the troubled lands.

Despite his calm exterior, Kai's interactions can be marked by an aura of dominance and a touch of bluntness. His honesty stems from his unwavering commitment to addressing the wrongs that plague Nollent. He refuses to turn a blind eye to the injustices that have led to the separation of classes and the perpetuation of homophobia in his society. Kai's ultimate goal is to create a Nollent where individuals like himself and his close friend Cal are no longer torn apart by societal divisions.

Born into a well-to-do family, Cal's upbringing contrasts starkly with the intricacies that shape his character. Cal's personality is a tapestry of seemingly contradictory traits. While untrusting and cautious around others, he dons a veneer of humor and a bubbly demeanor that acts as both a defense mechanism and a way to maintain distance. Cal's past experiences have also endowed him with a unique blend of femininity and charm. His slightly effeminate demeanor doesn't define him but rather adds to the complexity of his character.

Lilly's early life was marked by tragedy and hardship. She was discovered by Josie, a compassionate resident of the Oceanica Islands, near death and alone by the docks. As an orphan girl, she had experienced severe trauma, leaving her with emotional scars that ran deep. Despite her young age, Lilly's past had shaped her into a timid and introverted individual. However, beneath her quiet exterior, Lilly possesses a remarkable intelligence that often surprises those who get to know her.

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